Pleananna do Scoil Bhuan nochtaithe ag Méara na Trá Móire|Permanent School Plans Unveiled by Tramore Mayor
Ar an gCéadaoin an 27ú lá Bealtaine, ag 3.30 i.n, nochtfaidh Méara na Trá Móire, Réamainn Ó h-Éideáin, pleananna do scoil bhuan agus foirgneamh pobail deartha ag Ailtirí dhb, i gcomhairle le pobal na scoile agus Comhpháirtiocht LEADER Phort Láirge. Ta fáilte roimh ionadaithe pobail, tuismitheoirí, iarrthóirí toghchain agus grúpaí pobail gur suim leo.
On Wednesday 27th May 2009 at 3.30pm, the Mayor of Tramore, Mr. Raymond Hayden, will officially unveil the plans proposed for the permanent school and community building for Gaelscoil Philib Barún, drawn up by dhb Architects in consultation with the school community and Waterford Leader Partnership. Parents, pupils, local representatives, election candidates and interested community groups are all invited to attend.
Beidh na pleananna ailtire seo taobh le taispeántas saothar na ndaltaí a bheidh le feiscint go dtí an 7ú lá Meitheamh. Ina measc tá cur síos ar stair na scoile óna oscailt 24 bliain i dTeach na Trá Móire go dtí a tréimhse i dTeach Stella Maris go dtí a tuirlingt ar thaobh an chnoic ag Cruabhaile Uachtarach i seomraí réamhdhéanta! Ta an Ghaelscoil tar eis fás óna clárú reathach de 200 dalta ó ar an gcéad la nuair a bhí 29 agus oide amháin. In ainneoin an fhais seo nil foirgneamh buan ag an scoil go fóill.
The architects’ plans will join an exhibition of work by the children of the Gaelscoil that continues until Sunday 7th June. The work includes the history of the school, since it first opened twenty four years ago in Tramore House, through its time in the old Stella Maris building, up to the present school at its site in Crobally Upper. The Gaelscoil has grown since its first enrollment of 29 pupils and one teacher in 1985 and now has over 200 pupils enrolled from Junior Infants to 6th class. Despite the growth and development of the school, it has yet to secure a permanent building. The school now has a staff of eight teachers, a resource teacher and an administrative principal.
Tá macsamhail scoileana cruthanna, coláis montáis agus dánta liteartha cruthaithe ag daltai don taispeántas ag léiriú a bhfíseanna don bhfoirgneamh nua buan. Tá taifead gutha de daltaí ag caint faoina mhianta maidir le cóiríocht. Luaite tá pictiúrlann. bréagain, tolganna, rochtain cathaoir rotha agus go leor eile.
The children have created models, collages, paintings and writings representing what they envisage for their permanent school building. There is an audio recording (in English and Irish) so you can hear the children’s voices describing their ideas. These range from a cinema room and sofas to a cafeteria, solar panels, wheelchair access, lots of toys, a hall for playing when it’s raining, and lots more besides!
Tá an Ghaelscoil suite ar shuíomh ardaithe os chionn Bhá na Trá Móire le radharcann iontacha mara ar nós ionad an taispeántais, Stáisíún an Gharda Chosta. Is le Gaelscoil Philib Barún a suíomh le páirceanna imeartha, clós crua agus seomraí réamhdhéanta.
The Gaelscoil sits on a wonderfully elevated site in the town of Tramore, with panoramic views of the bay that are shared by the Coast Guard Station. The Gaelscoil owns its current site with a playing field, hardcore courts and prefabricated buildings. For more information on the school and its campaign for a permanent building, visit
Ta Stáisiún an Gharda Cósta ar oscailt Luan go Déardaoin ó 10.30 go dtí 4.30 agus ar an nDomhnach ó 2-5pm.
The Coast Guard Station, Love Lane is open from Monday to Thursday 10.30 am to 4.30 pm, and Sundays 2 – 5 pm. All are welcome, Fáilte roimh cách. Free admission, Cead isteach saor in aisce.
Le tuilleadh eolas téigh i dteagmhail le
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