Gaelscoil Philib Barún

Seomraí réamhdhéanta breise ceadaithe don Ghaelscoil|New prefabs sanctioned by Minister O’Keeffe

Tá an tAire Oideachais is Eolaíochta, Batt O’Keeffe TD, tar éis dhá sheomra réamhdhéanta breise a cheadú do Ghaelscoil Philib Barún. Tar éis diúliú d’iarrtas an bhliain seo caite rinne an bhord bainistiochta achomharc ar an gcinneadh agus de thoradh san tá deontas faighte ag an bord dhá seomra 80 méadar cearnaithe a cheannach. Tá cead pleanála faighte cheana féin agus tathar ag súil go dtosnofaí leis an obair roimh Meán Fomhair. Ar ndóigh ní bheidh na ranganna ábalta bogadh isteach iontu go dtí Mí Deireadh Fomhair ar is luaithe mar mar chuid den obair caithfear athchóiriú a dhéanamh ar na seomrai ranga beaga sa scoil cheana féin.

The Minister for Education Batt O’Keeffe TD has granted the school permission and funding for two extra 80 sq.m. classrooms. Following his refusal of our original application made last year the Board of Management successfully appealed the decision. Planning permission has been granted and it is hoped siteworks will begin before September. Pupils will not be able to move into their new rooms until October as work will have to be done internally on the smaller classrooms.

Tá an Bord Bainistíochta ag súil go mbeidh spas 80 méadair cearnaithe ins na seomraí ranga uilig. Cuideoidh an dá sheomra breise seo leis an sprioc seo a bhaint amach.

The Board of Management has sought to ensure all rooms are large enough to accommodate the bigger numbers in our classes. The granting of these new prefabs which will be purchased and not rented will achieve this objective.

Leanann an feachtas don bhfoirgneamh buan.

Meanwhile the campaign for a permanent school continues.