Gaelscoil Philib Barún

Scoil agus Naíonra dúnta ar an Máirt an 24ú lá|School and Naíonra Closed on 24th of November

Tá lá gníomhaíochta beartaithe don Mháirt seo chugainn 24ú lá de Mhí na Samhna eagraithe ag ceardchumainn na hearnála poiblí.

There is a day of action planned for Tuesday next, November 24th organised by the public service unions.

De dheasca seo, ní bheidh sé d’acmhainn foirne ag Gaelscoil Philib Barún glacadh le daltaí an lá san ar chúiseanna sábháltachta agus sláinte. Beidh an scoil agus an naíonra dúnta.

Arising from this, Gaelscoil Philib Barún will not be in a position to accept children on that day for Health and Safety reasons. The school and the naíonra will be closed.

Nil sé de rún ag mBord Bainistíochta cur isteach ar oideachas pháistí agus is dona linn an cinneadh seo.

It is not the intention of the Board of Management to interrupt your child’s education and we very much regret having to take this course of action.