Gaelscoil Philib Barún

An Scoil agus an Aimsir|The School and the Weather

Tá súil ag an mbord bainistíochta an scoil a choimeád ar oscailt i rith na drochaimsire. Moltar do thuismitheoirí a bheith ríchúramach ag teacht is amach ar na cosáin agus bóithre sleamhna. Tuigimid murar féidir le daltaí freastal de bharr an dáinséara ach táimid ag súil go ndéanfar gach iarracht freastal ar scoil. Gheobhar gach eolas ar téacs agus ar an suíomh seo.

The Board of Management intends as far as possible to keep the school open during the cold weather. We ask parents to take great care coming to school on icy roads and paths. We understand fully if parents have to keep pupils from school for safety reasons however the school is open to accept those pupils who can attend. Updates on whether the Gaelscoil is opening will be posted on the website and parents will be texted.