Gaelscoil Philib Barún

Osclófar an Scoil amárach an Mháirt|School Re-opening 12 January 2010

Tar éis fógra is déanaí an Aire Oideachais is Eolaíochta osclóidh Gaelscoil Philib Barún amárach an 12ú lá. Tá an sneachta ag leá agus táimid sásta go mbeidh an scoil sábháilte. Má bhíonn casadh i scéal na haimsire gur ghá dúinn dúnadh cuirfear scéal go tuismitheoirí roimh 8 ar maidin. Bígí cúramach ar na bóithre.

Following the latest announcement by the Minister of Education and Science regarding school closures due to weather conditions, the school will open tomorrow, Tuesday (12 January 2010) as usual. The snow has melted and we are confident that the school will be warm and safe. If there is any change due to the weather parents will be informed before 8 am Tuesday. Please be careful on the roads and paths.