Gaelscoil Philib Barún

Vaicsín do Fhliú na Muc á thairsiscint|Swine Flu Vaccine

Dáileadh foirmeacha ón Fheidhmneach Sláinte maidir le vacsaíniú in aghaidh fliú na muc inniu. Tiocfaidh foireann vacsainithe go dtí an scoil ar an Aoine an 12ú lá (Feabhra 2010) leis an vaicsín a thairiscint do dalta na scoile. Líon an fhoirm a bhí dáilte ar leanai inniu agus seol ar ais chuig an scoil é. Breis eolas ar fáil ar Health Service Executive Website: Swine Flu Vaccine – It Stops with YOU.

The swine flu vaccine will be offered to pupils of Gaelscoil Philib Barún on Friday the 12th of February in the school. Forms from the HSE have been distributed to pupils today and should be returned to the school before Friday, 12th February 2010. Further info from the Health Service Executive Website: Swine Flu Vaccine – It Stops with YOU.