Gaelscoil Philib Barún

Gáirdín Pobail le Cruthú|Creating the Community Garden

Tá achar beag talún bronnta ag Gaelscoil Philib Barún ar Transition Town Tramore le haghaidh spas do gháirdín pobail. B’fhéidir go bhfuil sé tugtha faoi deara ag daoine ag gabháil thar bhráid na scoile go bhfuil tolláin plaisteach ardaithe ag buíon garraíodóirí deonacha díograiseacha. Beidh cruinniú poiblí sa scoil ar an gCéadaoin an 21ú lá Aibreán ag 8 i.n. le pleananna a phlé don ghairdín. Más garraíodóir cíocrach tú nó duine atá nuathagtha go gach atá glas tá fáilte romhat. Tá T3 agus a garraíodóiri deonacha ag casadh an chéad fód ar an Aoine seo chugainn ag 7.30 sa scoil. Bí ann le buataisí agus spáid.

Gaelscoil Philib Barun has donated a piece of land to the Transition Town Tramore group for a community garden space. Passers-by may have already noticed the polytunnel that was erected on the site recently by a group of eager volunteers. There will be a public meeting in the school on Wednesday 21st April at 8pm to discuss plans for the development of this community space. Whether you are a keen gardener or a complete novice in all things green you are encouraged to attend. T3 and all volunteers will be turning the first sod on Friday 23rd April at 7pm so if you can’t make the Wednesday meeting join us on Friday instead with your wellies and spades.

Grúpa garraíodoirí i mbun oibre ag Gaelscoil Philib Barún

Grúpa garraíodoirí i mbun oibre ag Gaelscoil Philib Barún

Gardeners working at Gaelscoil Philib Barún

Gardeners working at Gaelscoil Philib Barún

Mar chuid de scéim oideachais a bhaineann leis an dtogra beidh ceardlann sáilí ar an Satharn 1 lá Bealtaine óna 10 r.n. go dtí 1 i.n. Foghlaim conas bealach áirseach sáilí a thógail agus mar aon le achar muiríne i do ghairdín. Iarrtar síntius seacht euro ó rannphairtithe. Cuir do shonraí go Fiona ag le áit a chur san áireamh. Glacfar go fonnmhar le ábhar mar barrithir, síolta agus ar eile. Téigh i dteagmhail le Fiona más suim leat a bheith páirteach sa tionscnamh fiúntach seo. Gheobhaidh tú T3 ar Facebook ag “Transition Town Tramore T3“.

Finally, as part of the educational theme behind the garden we will be holding a short willow workshop on Saturday 1st May from 10am to 1pm. Learn how to construct a willow archway and compost area for your garden. A small donation of €7 is requested from participants. Please e-mail your details to Fiona at to book your place. Donations of materials, top soil, seedlings etc for the garden are most welcome. Please contact Fiona if you would like to make any donations to this worthwhile project. You can find T3 on Facebook at “Transition Town Tramore T3