Gáirdin Pobail Uasdátú|Community Garden Update
Bhí tinreamh maith ar an gCeardlann Sáilí Beotha le Eamonn Mac Subhne ag Gáirdín Pobail na Trá Móire ar Lá Bealtaine. Bhí achar muiríne sáilí beo cruthaithe ag deireadh maidine.D’fhoghlaim na garraiodóirí páirteach ann scileanna nua gur féidir leo a roinnt amach anseo le clan agus cairde. A bhuí le buíon dílis deonaithe tá an gáirdín ag fás agus ag imeacht ó neart go neart. Más suim leat am a chaitheamh linn aon lá nó más mian leat ábhair gharraí nach bhfuil uait a thabhairt dúinn téigh I dteagmháil le Fiona ag tramore20@eircom.net nó telefón 051-330408. Tá plainc scafaill, barr ithir, gairbhéal nó síoltóga uainn. A® mile buíochas dóibh siúd a thug dúinn cheana go háirithe na cairde GIY again. Seo spas do phobail an bhaile le tairbhe agus leas a bhaint as agus le cairde nua a dhéanamh. Ag súil le bualadh leat aon tráthnóna Máirt nó Déardaoin idir 7 agus 9.
We had a healthy turnout for the Living Willow Workshop with Eamonn McSweeney at Tramore Community Garden on May Day. A beautiful living willow compost area was created at the end of a very relaxing morning. All participants gained some great skills that they can now use in their own gardens and pass on to friends and family. Thanks to a core group of volunteers the garden is growing from strength to strength. If you would like to volunteer your time on any given day or would like to donate unwanted garden materials or supplies please contact Fiona at tramore20@eircom.net or telephone 051-330408. We are especially in need of top soil, gravel, scaffolding planks and seeds/seedlings. A special thank you to all our GIY Tramore friends for their kind donations of plants and seeds so far! This community space is there for everyone in Tramore to enjoy and pass some time growing with friends old and new. We look forward to meeting you there on any given Tuesday andor Thursday evening from 7 to 9.