Comenius Suíomh Idirlíne|Gaelscoil welcomes Comenius visit
Cuirfimid failte roimh ár bpáirtnéirí ó Chomenius ar an gCéadaoin, an 9ú lá Meitheamh 2010. Beidh seisear is fiche ag teacht go hiomlán, aon pháiste dhéag agus cúig mhúinteoir déag. Fanfaidh na múinteoirí in Óstan an Grand agus na páistí le clanna áitiúla.
Maidin Déardaoin, i ndiaidh fáiltiú speisialta sa scoil, gheobhaidh ár gcuairteoirí deis iad féin, a scoil agus a dtír a chur i láthair. Buailfidh siad le foireann agus páistí na scoile agus glacfaidh siad páirt i gceachtanna éagsúla. Beidh deis ag na múinteoirí breathnú ar shaol an mhúinteora sa seomra ranga. Toisc gurb í ‘An Chlann’ an toipic a bhí faoi chaibidil againn ó thaobh an tionscnamh Comenius, plefimíd na ceachtanna, gníomhaíochtaí agus ár dtuaraimí ina leith lenár gcomhghleacaithe Comenius. Cuirfear am ar leath thaobh comh maith chun a thuilleadh obair a dhéanamh ar an tionscnamh Comenius – “Think Globally, act locally”.
Ní obair amháin a bheidh ar siúl, áfach. Beidh ceolchoirm ar siúl ar an Aoine agus cluichí CLG ar an nDéardaoin mar shiamsaíocht dár n-aíonna. Ar an Satharn, is féidir leis na cuairteoirí a rogha rud a dhéanamh, ó shiopadóireacht go dtí tonnmharcaíocht, fiú! Imeoidh siad ar an nDomhnach 13ú Meitheamh 2010.
Taimíd ag súil go mór le teacht na gcuairteoirí agus le deireadh seachtaine ionach a chaitheamh leo. Tá súil againn go gcabhróidh sibh linn an ócáid iontach seo a chéiliúradh.
Gaelscoil Philib Barún is delighted to welcome our Comenius partner schools to Tramore on Wednesday June 9th 2010. Twenty six visitors in total will visit, 15 adults and 11 children. The adults will stay in The Grand Hotel while some of the children will be hosted by local families.
On arrival on Thursday morning, each group will get the chance to make a small presentation on their respective school and country. The teachers and children will sample school life in the Gaelscoil during Thursday and Friday. The children will get the opportunity to partake in some of the lessons and the teachers will get a chance to observe. Since our last meeting, the theme of ‘Our Family’ has been the focus of the Comenius project. We will share our activities and work in this regard with the children and teachers from our partner schools. Time will also be set aside during the visit for continued work on our common project “Think Globally, act locally”.
It will not be all work, however. A concert will take place on Friday, showcasing the childrens’ talents and presenting a taste of Irish song, dance and wit. On Thursday, some exhibition matches demonstrating our unique GAA skills will be centre stage. On Saturday our visitors are free to explore Tramore and the surrounding areas, engage in some sightseeing or even some shopping. Sunday June 13th 2010 is departure day for our guests.
We are looking forward to a very enjoyable weekend and hope that you will join us in celebrating this wonderful partnership with our new friends in Germany, Iceland, Turkey and Wales.