Laethanta Siúl ar Scoil|Walk to School Days
Tá an scoil ag eagrú 2 lá gur féidir leis na páistí “Siúl ar Scoil”,Dé Céadaoin agus an Déardaoin, an 16ú Meitheamh agus 17ú Meitheamh 2010, chun páistí a spreagadh a bheith neamhspleách, sláintiúl agus eolach maidir le fuinneamh.
The school is organising 2 “Walk to School” days on Wednesday and Thursday, 16th and 17th June 2010, to encourage the children to be independent, healthy and become more energy aware.
Tosnóidh an siúlóid ag 8.30 ag Coillte Bhaile Uí Charnáin agus bailítear páistí ag an bpríomhbhealach isteach ag na hamanna luaite anseo:
The walk will begin at Ballycarnane Woods entrance at 8.30am and will collect children at the following times and places:
- Ballycarnane Woods: 8.30am
- Clarinwood: 8.35am
- Glenview/Cairn Dubh: 8.40am
- Moonvoy Valley/Caolán: 8.45am
- Ard na Groí: 8.50am
Beidh na páistí a ghlacann páirt sa siúlóid seo saor ó obair bhaile ar an oíche sin. Ar ndóigh, beidh obair bhaile saor ag gach páiste a shiúlann nó a rothaíonn ar scoil ar na laethanta seo.
All children taking part will have no homework on the days in which they walk. In fact, any child who walks or cycles to school on these days will have homework off!
Déanfaidh na múinteoirí feitheoireacht ar an siúlóid ach tá tuismitheoirí ag teastáil chun súil a choimeád ar na páistí agus iad ag feitheamh ag na estáit tithe.
Teachers will supervise the walk but some parents will be required to wait at the entrances of the estate to ensure children are supervised at all times.
Má tá spéis ag do pháiste páirt a ghlacadh, líon isteach na sonraí san fhoirm atá seolta abhaile agus seol ar ais é roimh an Mháirt, 15ú Meitheamh 2010.
If you are interested in your child/children taking part please fill in the form which has been sent home and return to the school by Tuesday, 15th June 2010.