Ag siúl ar Scoil|Walking to School
Tá Muinteoir Méadhbh agus roinnt daoine ag iarraidh bus siúlóide a eagrú arís mar a bhí againn an samhradh seo caite. Go háirithe agus sinne faoi bhrat sneachta táimid den tuairim gur maith an smaoineamh é deis a thabhairt do daoine a pháistí a shiúl ar scoil. Más suim leat cabhrú leis an dtogra seo tar go dtí cruinniú sa scoil ar an Luan seo chugainn ag 2:30 pm.
Táimid ag súil le hoscailt ar an Luan seo chugainn ach ar ndóigh ní bheidh an scéim siúl ar scoil ann. Iarraimid oraibh bhúr bpáisia shiúl ar scoil maidin Luain sibh féin.
Múinteoir Méadhbh will hold a meeting for parents interested in the ‘walking bus to school’ scheme on Monday next the 6th Dec. in the school at 2:30. This is a very worthwhile idea especially in this weather. Please come along and help.
It is hoped to open the school on Monday but obviously parents will have to arrange to walk their own children to school in the weather conditions. If the school has to close again parents will be notified by text.