Cuairt Suímh ón Rannóg Tógála|Site visit by DES officials
Beidh cuairt againn ó cheathrar oifigeach sinsireach ón Rannóg Tógála, an Roinn Oideachais is Scileanna ar an gCéadaoin seo an 11ú lá (Bealtaine 2011) ag 2:30 sa scoil. Is cuid tábhachtach é seo den réamhobair le coimre dearaidh a cheapadh don scoil bhuan.
Beidh Seán Breathnach, Cathaoirleach an Bord, Daithí de Paor, Priomhoide, agus John Breen, Cathaoirleach Choiste na dTuistí, ag bualadh leis an dtoscaireacht. Tá an sceideal córíocht don scoil le feiscint anseo.
The school will be visited by 4 senior officials from the DES Building Section to view the site for the new school an Wednesday next the 11th May 2011 at 2:30 in the school. This is an important step in putting a design brief together to be put out to tender to architects.
Attending the meeting on behalf of the Gaelscoil will be Seán Breathnach (Chairperson, Board of Management), Daithí de Paor (Principal), and John Breen (Chairperson of the Parents Association). The schedule of accommodation for the school can be viewed here.