Gaelscoil Philib Barún

Cuairt an Aire|Minister’s visit was a great success

Cuireadh fáilte is fiche roimh an Aire Ruairí Quinn inniu nuair a tháinig sé ar cuairt go dtí an scoil inniu. D’fháiltigh drumadóirí na scoile é agus ina dhiaidh sin do bhí seisiún ceisteanna agus freagraí ag Rang 6 leis ina seomra ranga. D’ardaíodh roinnt mhaith ceisteanna faoina shuimeanna spóirt, faoina shaol polaitiúil agus ar ndóigh faoi eisiamh na scoile againne as liosta tógála na Roinne.

Mhínigh sé cás na Roinne agus an líon scoileanna atá le tógail sa tír ach ag cruinniú leis an mBord Bainistíochta agus ailtirí, dhb Architects, mhol sé go leanfadh an scoil le dearadh foirgnimh nua agus cead pleanála a lorg agus má tharlaíonn sé go mbeidh airgead ar fáil go gcuirfí scoil réidh le tógail mar Ghaelscoil Philib Barún, isteach sa liosta.

D’iarr an príomhoide air go gcuirfí fad feithimh scoile san áireamh nuair a roinntear tionscnamh le chur ar aghaidh.

Thug an Cathaoirleach, Seán Breathnach, cuireadh dó teacht go dtí oscailt oifigiúl foirgneamh Ghaelscoil Philib Barún nuair a thógtar é. Ghlac an tAire leis an gcuireadh.

The Minister Ruairí Quinn was welcomed to the school today. The school drummers welcomed him initially and he participated in a question and answer session with sixth class pupils afterwards. A wide variety of topics were covered including his sporting interested, his political career and the long wait Gaelsoil Philib Barún has had in temporary accommodation.

The Minister explained that the DES is building many schools throughout the country but afterwards at a meeting with the Board of Management and Parents representatives he advised that the school continue with dhb Architects to design and seek planning permission for a permanent building. If funding becomes available then the project may go to tender.

The Principal, Daithí de Paor, asked that the length of time that schools are waiting for permanent accommodation be factored in to decisions by the DES to progress projects.

Finally the Chairperson of the BOM, Sean Breathnach, asked that the Minister return to open our new school when it is built. Minister Quinn accepted the invitation.