Ar Aghaidh leis an Dearadh|Ongoing work to design a school
Tá ailtire sinsireach na Roinne Oideachais is Eolaíochta, Margaret Brennan, ceaptha mar cheannaire ar fhoireann dearaidh don ghaelscoil bhuan le déanaí. Tá sí cheana fein tar éis cuairt a thabhairt ar an scoil agus bualadh leis na hailtirí dhb agus baill den bhord bainistíochta. Tá sé de rún ag an Roinn scoil a dhearadh go luath, cead pleanála a lorg agus ansin tá súil againn go gcuirfí sinn isteach ar liosta tógála a luaithe is atá deis. Ar ndóigh le tacaíocht an Aire.
A Senior Architect from the Department of Education and Skills, Margaret Brennan, has been appointed design team leader to oversee the design of a new school building for Gaelscoil Philib Barún. She has met with the Board of Management and with the architects appointed, dhb Architects Waterford, to progress the project through planning permission stage. We are determined to press ahead with the architectural planning in the hope that we can have it included in the building list should funding become available with the support of the Minister, Ruairí Quinn.