Bileog Eolais ar Éagsúlacht Pátrúnachta|Diversity of Patronage Survey
Tá an Roinn Oideachais is Scileanna ag iarraidh ar an scoil an bhileog eolais ar éagsúlacht pátrúnachta ceangailte a dháileadh i measc tuistí na scoile. Tá preas ráitis Ruairí Quinn, Aire Oideachais is Scileanna, ar fáil anseo.
The Department of Education has asked the school to distribute the following information leaflet on the Diversity of Patronage survey. A press release from Minister Ruairí Quinn can be accessed here.
- Bileog Eolais ar Éagsúlacht Pátrúnachta (Gaeilge)
- Information Leaflet on Diversity of Patronage (English)
Molann an scoil go nglacfaí páirt sa suirbhé seo.
The school would would encourage all parents to participate in this survey.