Gaelscoil Philib Barún

Red Kettle

Beidh Red Kettle ag teacht go dtí an scoil ar an gCéadaoin seo chugainn an 5ú lá Nollaig lena ndráma idirghníomhach ‘Wiggly Tom and the Little Elf Who Lost Her Story’. Beidh deis ag gach dalta freastal ar na seónna agus iarrtar ar tuismitheoirí €4 in aghaidh an paiste a íoc.

Ní bheidh aon bhac ar daltaí freastal ar an ndrama muna bhfuil an t-airgead acu.

Red Kettle Theatre Company will bring its interactive show ‘Wiggly Tom and the Little Elf Who Lost Her Story’ to the school on Wednesday next the 5th December. Cost of the show is €4 per child and can be paid to the school office. All pupils will get the opportunity to attend irrespective of whether they have paid the money or not.

If you do not want your child to attend please inform the teacher and alternative arrangements will be facilitated.