Gaelscoil Philib Barún

Cead Pleanála le Lorg|Planning Permission Update

Chaith an bord bainistíochta samhradh suaite ag plé le cúrsaí dearaidh agus pleanála leis an Roinn Oideachais. Cuireadh bac le dul chun cinn an tionscnaimh go dtí go raibh an scoil tar eis féachaint ar fhoirgneamh an Stella Maris a bheidh folamh Meán Fómhair 2014. D’fhéach baill bhoird agus ionadaithe tuismitheoirí air agus d’aon ghuth cinneadh nach raibh sé oiriúnach dúinn mar bhunscoil gan a lán airgid a bheith caite ar athchóiriú. Glacadh lenar gcinneadh agus an tseachtain seo caite tugadh cead dúinn cead pleanála a lorg ar an suíomh do fhoirgneamh ocht seomra ranga. Tá an fhoireann dearaidh ag súil an t-iarratas pleanála a lóisteál go luath an mhí seo.

Tá sé beartaithe an plean a chur faoi bhraid tuistí agus an pobal ar fad gur mhaith leo an fhorbairt a iniúchadh sula gcuirfear e faoi bhraid na húdarás pleanála áitiúla. Beidh cruinniu poiblí chuige seo ar an nDeardaoin an 26ú lá Meán Fómhair ag 7 i.n. sa scoil.

The Board of Management this summer were asked by the Department of Education and Skills to look at the Stella Maris secondary school building as an alternative to building a new gaelscoil. Members of the board and representatives from the parents association viewed the Stella Maris building and unanimously agreed that the pupils and the taxpayer would be much better served by building the new 8 classroom gaelscoil as designed by dhb architects. Following receipt of our reply the Department of Education and Skills has now sanctioned the progression of the project to statutory approval i.e. planning permission etc. The next step will involve inclusion in the next list of schools on a stimulus package to be announced hopefully by the end of the year.

It is planned to present the plans for the school to parents and local residents on Thursday the 26th of September at a public meeting in the school. This meeting wil be open to all who wish to view the proposed development prior to its presentation for planning approval.