Gaelscoil Philib Barún

Gaelscoil Philib Barún ar an liosta tógála|Gaelscoil Philib Barún is on 2015 Building List

Tá liosta tógála na bliana seo chugainn, 2015, eisithe ag an Roinn Oideachais is Scileanna agus Gaelscoil Philib Barún curtha air. Tá an scoil ar nós 16 scoil eile nach raibh ar an liosta go dtí seo ach go bhfuil cead pleanála agus iad réidh chun tógáil atá anois curtha le liosta 2015 anuas ar na scoileanna a bhí luaite ar an bplean 5 bliana.

Is toradh é seo ar feachtas leanúnach pobal na scoile cóiríocht cóir a fháil agus cuireann sé deireadh leis an éagóir déanta orainn nuair a fágadh sinn as na liostaí tógála 5 bliana i 2012.

Thug Ciara Conway an dea-nuacht do Phríomhoide na scoile aréir agus dearbhaíodh é inniu ar shuíomh na Roinne. Is féidir preas ráitis an Aire a aimsiú anseo.

Gaelscoil Philib Barún has been included on the Department of Education and Skills building list for 2015. Our school is one of sixteen schools formally excluded that have been added to the five year building list. All these schools (including ours) are ready to go to construction immediately.

This announcement is a result of the campaign of the school community to reverse the decision to exclude it from the five year building list announced in 2012.

Ciara Conway TD, rang the school principal with the news last night and the announcement was confirmed today on the DES website. The Minister’s announcement can be accessed here.

The Design Team will now prepare tender documents and construction can begin as soon as contracts are signed with the successful building firm.