Gaelscoil Philib Barún

I dtaca le Clárú i Naíonáin 2015|Enrolment in Junior Infants 2015

Glacfaidh an scoil le iarratais ar chlárúchán do pháistí a bheidh aois 4 roimh Meán Fómhair 2015 i rith Mí Feabhra. Tá sé de rún ag an scoil áiteanna a thairiscint do thuistí dá bpáistí roimh dheireadh Mhí Márta bunaithe ar na critéir leagtha amach i bpolasaí cláruithe na scoile. Is féidir an polasaí cláraithe a rochtain anseo.

Daoine a réamh-chláraigh a bpáistí tá litir seolta chucu ag iarraidh orthu an fhoirm cláruithe ar leith do 2015 a líonadh. Seol ar ais le cóip de theastas breithe an dalta roimh an 27ú lá Feabhra.

Gaelscoil Philib Barún will accept applications for enrolment in Junior Infants for pupils aged 4 before September 2015 during the month of February. Following receipt of applications places will be offered to parents for their children before the end of March based on criteria outlined in the school’s enrolment policy. An application form can be collected in the school office or alternatively downloaded from the website here. Parents who have pre-enrolled their children will receive a letter asking them to fill in an enclosed enrolment form 2015.

Please return before the 27th February with a copy of the child’s birth certificate. The school’s enrolment policy can be accessed here. Any queries please contact the school.