Aonach Fíona is Bia|Food and Wine Evening
Tá Aonach Fíona is Bia Choiste na dTuistí buailte linn nach mór:
The annual Food & Wine Tasting evening in aid of the Parent’s Association is fast approaching.
- Cá háit: Staisiún an Gharda ChóstaWhere: Coast Guard Station, Tramore
- Cathain: Dé hAoine 19ú lá Meitheamh – 7.30pm to 9.30pmWhen: Friday, 19th June 2015 from 7.30pm to 9.30pm
- Costas: €10 in aghaidh an duineCost: €10 per person
San áireamh sa €10 san tá gach deoch (san áireamh fíonta, beoracha, ceirtlisí agus deocha neamh-alcóileacha) agus rogha maith de mhilseoga is de bhlastóga. Tugann do thicéad iontráil shaor in aisce duit sa chranchur. Beidh saothar ealaíne na ndaltaí chomh maith le pleananna na scoile nua taobh le rogha grianghraifeanna de ocaidí scoile na bliana teilgthe ar an mballa.
Rogha gach bia is togha gach dí ar €10 mar sin in ionad áitiuil áisiúil agus ar son deachúise! Seo an mhórócáid carnadh aigid ag Coiste na dTuistí agus téann an t-airgead bailithe le nithe ar nós fonsaí cispheile nua, bratacha, córas fuaime do cheolchoirmeacha na Nollag agus ar eile. Bíodh go bhfuil an scoil nua ar deireadh ceadaithe ceaptar go mbeidh gá ann do nithe breise agus go bhfuil tábhacht fós le carnadh airgid.
Tá ticéidí ar fáil ó Claire Ogilvie (Brennan) maidineacha agus ag am piocta suas 1:40pm (coinnigh súil amach do veist shofheicthe nó fónaigí 089 221 9325) agus Mary Maguire (087 6570107) ag am bailithe 2:40.
The €10 entry includes all drinks (e.g. wine, beer, cider and non-alcoholic) and a selection savoury and sweet foods. Your ticket is also your free entry to the raffle. Art work from the children will be on display as will plans for the new school and a selection of photo’s from events through the year will be projected onto the wall.
So basically dinner, drinks and a good night out in a great local venue – all for €10 and for a great cause too! This event is the major fundraiser for the Parent’s Association and funds raised in the past have contributed to the cost of new basketball hoops, flags, sounds system for the Christmas concerts etc. Although the new school has now finally been given the green light it is anticipated that a certain amount of additional items will be needed hence why fund raising is still so important.
Tickets are available from Claire Ogilvie (Brennan) in the mornings and at the 1.40pm pick up time (look out for a high-vis vest in the playground or ph 089 221 9325) and Mary Maguire (087 6570107) at the 2.40pm pick up time.
Clare Ogilivie
Cathaoirleach Choiste na dTuistíChairperson, Parent’s Association