Oscailt Oifigiúil na Scoile|Official School Opening
Tá cuireadh ag gach tuismitheoir agus pobal na scoile i gcoitinne ag ócáid oscailt oifigiúil Ghaelscoil Philib Barún ar an Aoine an 9ú lá Meitheamh 2017.
All are welcome to the official opening of the new school building on Friday the 9th June 2017. The building will be blessed by the local clergy at 10:00am and the Minister of Education and Skills, Richard Bruton, will attend at 10:30 to unveil a commemorative plaque.
The Building Campaign section of the school website will also be formally decommissioned and archived as part of this ceremony signifying the formal end to that chapter in the school’s life.
Beidh beannacht na scoile ar siúl ag 10:00 agus tiocfaidh an tAire Oideachais is Scileanna ag 10:30 le plaic a nochtadh. Tá fáilte roimh gach duine go dtí an dá ócáid. Tá súil againn bualadh le cuid acu ar lá na hoscailte oifigiúla.
The event will commence at 10am and we welcome children, parents, families, friends and anyone from the wider school community to share in our special day. The Parents Association will also help with traffic and the catering on the day so if you are available to volunteer they would very much appreciate it.