Scoil agus Naíonra dúnta de bharr gaoithe|School and Naíonra closures due to weather warning
De bharr rabhadh gaoithe stádas dearg eisithe ag Meteireann beidh an scoil dúnta amárach Dé Luain 16ú lá. Tabhairígí aire.
School and Naíonra will be closed tomorrow Monday 16th October 2017 due to status red warning for wind. This decision is taken on advice from the Department of Education and Skills.
UPDATE 2017-10-16
Beidh an scoil dúnta arís amárach Dé Máirt, an 17ú lá Deireadh Fómhair, ar chomhairle na Roinne Oideachais is Scileanna:
The School and Naíonra will remain closed again tomorrow, Tuesday 17th October 2017, on foot of a decision earlier today by the Department of Education & Skills, in the interest of health & safety of all concerned: