Gaelscoil Philib Barún

Nuashonrú Aimsir|Weather Update

UPDATE: 2018-03-04 16:00

Athosclóidh an scoil amárach. Iarrtar ar gach duine a bheith cúramach ar na cosáin agus na bóithre. Tá sé socruithe go nglanfar sneachta den bhóthar isteach roimh am oscailte. Beidh naíonra Philib Barún oscailte ag 8:00 do seirbhís réamhscoile.

The school will reopen tomorrow (Monday, 5 March 2018). Please take care on approach roads and footpaths to the school. Snow which has accumulated on the road into the school will be cleared by early tomorrow morning. Naíonra Philib Barun will be open for preschool care at 8:00am.

UPDATE: 2018-02-28 15:00

Tar éis treoir na Roinne i leith scoileanna i Mumhan agus Laighin a dhúnadh i rith na drochaimsire go dti an Luan seo chugainn bíodh tuismitheoirí ar eolas go mbeidh Gaelscoil Philib Barún dúnta an Déardaoin agus an Aoine seo.

Following a directive from the Department of Education and Skills to close all schools in the Munster and Leinster area until Monday next (5 March), Gaelscoil Philib Barún will remain closed on Thursday and Friday this week.

STATUS: 2018-02-28 09:00

Tá Gaelscoil Philib Barún dúnta inniu Dé Céadaoin de bharr an sneachta. Cuirfear téacs amach faoi amárach níos déanaí.

Gaelscoil Philib Barún will be closed today, Wednesday, due to hazardous conditions because of the snow. Updates will follow by text and will be posted on this site.

Daithí de Paor, PríomhoidePrincipal