Gaelscoil Philib Barún

Bord Bainistiochta Nua|New Board of Management

Tá Bord Bainistiochta nua le ceapadh a bheidh i bhfeidhm ar 01/12/2019. Ceapfar beirt thuismitheoir daltaí sa scoil (gur máthair duine agus gur athair duine eile) ó phobal thuismitheoirí na scoile. Ag an gcruinniú seo lorgófar ainmniúchán do dhaoine le seasamh do thoghcháin mar ionadaithe tuismitheoirí ar an mbord. Beidh ballóid ag an gcruinniú leis na hainmnithe a thogha. Muna bhfuil ach ainmniú amháin do cheachtar painéal, measfar na hainmnithe tofa. Má tá níos mó ná ainmniú amháin d’aon cheann de na painéil, beidh ballóid rúnda ag an gcruinniú. As you may be aware, the current term of the Board of Management will expire on 30 November 2019 and a new Board of Management takes up office on 1 December 2019. Two parents of children enrolled in the school (one being a mother and the other a father) must be elected by the general body of parents of children enrolled in the school. Tionólfar cruinniú sa scoil ar an gCéadaoin an 27ú lá Samhain ag 7:00pm. A meeting for parents of pupils enrolled in the school will be held at the school on Wednesday 27/11/2017 at 7:00pm At this meeting:
  1. Nominations will be sought from parents for persons to stand for election as parent nominees on the Board.
  2. A ballot will be held at the meeting to elect the nominees. If there is only one nominee for either panel, the nominees shall be deemed to be elected. If more than one nomination is received for either of the panels, a secret ballot shall be held at the meeting.