Coiste na dTuisti 2010|Parents Association 2010 AGM Report
Thug a lán tuismitheoirí cabhair don scoil thar na blianta. Tá torthaí an obair dian seo soiléir le feiceáil, mar shampla; an trealamh agus na soilse don “Dráma na Nollag” agus an stáitse chomh maith.
Bualann Coiste na dTuistí le chéile ar an chéad Cheadaoin de gach mhí, ar 7:30, agus tá fáilte roimh gach tuismitheoir, sean tuismitheoir agus caomhnóir. Bhí an chéad cruinniu den bhlian scoile 2010 ar siúl ar an 15ú la déag de mí Mean Fomhair agus d’fhreastal slua mór air.
Phléamar cuid de na cursaí reatha, san áireamh gá don trasnán in aice le Pairc an Chinnéide. Tá an trasnán ceadaithe agus tá na soilse ceannaithe. An moill anois ná ca mbeidh an trasnán lonnaithe. An dóchais atá againn faoi láthair ná go gcuirfidh an Comhairle Phort Láirge na soilse chomh tapaidh is féidir, mar bíonn na páistí i mbaol ag iarraidh dul trasna ina naonair.
Ag an gcruinniú, na hábhair eile a bhí pléite ná gá do fhoirgneamh buan don scoil, gníomhaíocht tiomsaithe airgid agus gníomhaíochta scoile eile, cosúil leis an “Walking Bus”. Fuair an scoil An Bhrat Glas anuraidh agus táimid an-bhródúil as. Baineann an “Walking Bus” le tionscnamh glas na scoile.
Ní amháin ag freastal ar na cruinnithe, a thugann na tuismitheoirí cabhair don scoil. Tugann said a n-am agus a n-airgead chun rudaí áirithe a eagrú, mar shampla; an fáiltiú sa scoil tar éis An Chéad Chomaoineach ; féilire na scoile agus busanna go dtí “Splashworld”. An bhliain seo tá an airgead bailithe chun seastán rothair a cheannach do na pháistí agus chun binse a chur lasmuigh don scoil do na thuismitheoirí nuair a bhíonn said ag fanacht. Usáidfaí an airgead chun iompair fóirdheontais a chur in iúl do turasanna scoile, no go dtí “Spashworld”. Beidh an súilóid scoile bhliantúil ar súil ar an dara la de Mhí Dheireadh Fomhair, agus beidh díolachán ciste ar siúl ar an lá chéanna. Beidh “bag packing” ar siúl i rith Mí na Samhna i “Supervalu”, agus beidh díolachán leabhair againn luath Mí na Nollag, agus beidh dráma na Nollag ar siúl an mhí seo freisin. I rith an Earraigh, beidh céiliúradh 25 bliain don Gaelscoil Philib Barún againn, tá sé fós le shocrú.
Faoi dheireadh, chun feabhas a thabhairt ar an ngaol idir an baile agus an scoil, ba mhaith linn go mbeidh beirt thuismitheoirí ó gach rang, agus ón Naíonra, mar ionadaithe ranga, chun dul i dteangmháil idir na ranganna agus na tuismitheoirí. Tá a fhios again nach mbíonn gach duine in ann teacht go dtí na cruinnithe, sin an chúis don ionadaithe ranga; chun cinntiú go bhfuil eolas ag gach páiste agus gach chlann faoi gníomhaíochtaí sa scoil.
Aistrithe ag Louise Breathnach
Parents who have volunteered at the school over the last number of years have contributed greatly. Their hard efforts are rewarded when each child and member of the school benefits from the projects they have undertaken. For example the PA and lighting system along with the school stage were funded by your hard work by way of volunteering on the day of an event or contributing to an event.
The parents association meet on the first Wednesday of each month at 7.30 and all parents, grandparents and guardians are very welcome. The first meeting of the academic year took place on the 15th of September and was well attended. Some current issues which were raised included the need for a pedestrian crossing close to Kennedy Park. The crossing has been approved and indeed the lights have been purchased. The delay at present is the location of where the crossing will be placed. It is hoped that Waterford County Council will expedite the crossing as soon as possible as children may be at risk attempting to cross with no assistance. Further discussions at the meeting included the need for a permanent building, fundraising and promoting school activities such as a walking bus. The walking bus is a green initiative of the Gaelscoil, and along with this initiative the Gaelscoil are very proud of the Green Flag they received last year and of the other green initiatives they continue to promote.
Evening monthly volunteer meetings are not the only way that parents contribute to our children’s experience at Gaelscoil Philib Barún. Parents donate their time and generously fund many activities such as the Holy Communion reception, school calendars with class photograph and buses to Splashworld. This year the funding has been raised to purchase a bike rack for young cyclists and an outdoor bench for waiting parents. Funds will also be used to subsidise buses for students’ school trips and/or to Splashworld for swimming lessons. Upcoming fundraising events will include our annual school walk and a cake sale on Friday October 2, 2010. In November, bag packing at Supervalu will take place. In early December, another Nearly New Book Sale will take place while our Christmas concert will be held in December too. In the springtime we look forward to planning an event to celebrate Gaelscoil Philib Barún 25th Anniversary.
Lastly in an effort to continue to improve the communication between home and school, we wish to have two parents from each class and from the Naionrá to be class representatives to liaise with the parents who attend the monthly volunteer meetings. We are aware that not all parents are available to attend evening meetings and by having class representatives we can ensure that your child and indeed your family can be included in each activity the Gaelscoil and volunteers undertake.
Report by Beth O’Leary, Secretary of Parents Association.