Gaelscoil Philib Barún

Meastóireacht Scoile Uile|Whole School Evaluation

Tá fógra faighte ag an scoil go mbeidh Meastóireacht Scoile Uile againn ar an 21 Bealtaine. I rith na seachtaine sin tiocfaidh cigirí na Roinne le féachaint ar mhúineadh agus foghlaim chomh maith le riaradh sa scoil. Tá foireann, bord agus daltaí ag súil le seo agus ar ndóigh beimid i mbun ullmhúchain. Beidh tuairisc na gcigirí foilsithe ar líne amach anseo.

The school has been informed that a Whole School Evaluation will take place in Gaelscoil Philib Barún the week starting the 21st May 2012. DES inspectors will visit the school and classes to view teaching, learning and the administration in the school. Staff, pupils and management will be preparing for this over the next few weeks. The inspectors’ report will subsequently will be published on the DES website. This is part of the DES ongoing inspection of all primary and secondary schools.