Meastóireacht Scoile Uile ar Athló|Whole School Evaluation Deferred
Cuireadh ceistneoirí abhaile an tseachtain seo caite thar cheann an chigire do thuismitheoirí daltaí na scoile. Iarrtadh ar thuistí na ceistneoirí a líonadh, na clúdaigh litreacha a shéalú agus iad a sheoladh ar ais go dtí oifig na scoile agus tabharfar iad don chigire.
Bhí cruinnithe ag an gcigire an tseachtain seo caite le hoifigí Choiste na dTuistí, leis an mbord bainistíochta agus le foireann na scoile. Bíodh go raibh an chigireacht sna ranganna le tosnú an tseachtain seo bhí ar an gCigireacht an MSU a chur ar ceal. Ní fios go fóill cathain a chríochnófar é.
The whole school evaluation has been deferred as the inspector is currently unavailable to complete the classroom visits.
The reporting inspector had asked the school to distribute questionnaires to parents as part of the Whole school Evaluation which began in the school last week. Parents were asked to return completed questionnaires in the sealed envelopes provided for collection from the school office. The inspectors did meet the Board of Management, the Parents Association and the staff. However the visitations to classrooms have been postponed by the inspectorate. The school was informed of this last Friday.
The school inspectorate were not in a position to say when an inspector will be available to complete the whole school evaluation.