Gaelscoil Philib Barún

Tuairiscí Scoile|School Reports

Tá na tuairiscí scoile curtha amach sa phost agus i mbliana ta tagairt iontu ar scóranna ar scrúduithe caighdeánaithe. Cinneadh go dtabharfaí na scóranna i bhfoirm STen agus tá nóta mínithe le gach tuairisc. Má bhionn a thuilleadh eolais ó thuismitheoirí ba chóir labhairt leis an múinteoir ranga. Tá breis fáisnéise ar fail ar na scrúduithe caighdeanaithe ar an gceangal seo.

The school reports have been posted to each family and this year reference will be made to standardised tests which have been administered during the month of May. It has been decided to inform parents of their children’s STen scores in these tests. If parents require further information they can speak to the class teacher. Please be aware that general information on these standardised tests is available on the NCCA website.