Gaelscoil Philib Barún

Leabhar ar Cíos|Book Rental Update

Tá sé socraithe ag an mBord Bainistíochta go n-athróidh na táillí don chíos leabhar don scoil bhliain 13/14. Sé sin, €95 don chéad pháiste agus €85 don dara páiste ina dhiaidh sin ag laghdú €10 do gach paiste:

It has been decided that the bookrental fee will be adjusted this year. It will be as follows, €95 euros for the first child and €85 for second child, €75 for third and €65 for fourth child.

  • Páiste AmháinOne Child: €95
  • Beirt PháisteTwo Children: €180 (€95 & €85)
  • Triúir PáisteThree Children: €255 (€95, €85, €75)
  • Ceathrar PáisteFour Children: €320 (€95, €85, €75, €65)

Tá an €20 don ealaín agus €10 don fotocóipeáil san áireamh sa phraghas seo.

Fees include €20 for Arts & Crafts and €10 for photo- copying and the covering of books. Monies payable to the school office in a clearly marked envelope.

Stage payments and Book Grants

Parents may pay their bookrental over a period in stage payments. Families may also apply for a book grant. This must be done in writing to the principal. The exact amount of the grant cannot be determined yet until it has been allocated by the Department.