Tumoideachas mo Pháiste|Immersion Education
Conas is féidir liom cabhrú le Tumoideachas mo Pháiste?
Fiafraítear díom go minic cad is féidir liom a dhéanamh le cabhrú le mo pháiste ar scoil. An moladh is mó a thabharfainn do thuistí ná tacú go praiticiúil le polasaí teangan na scoile.
How can I help with my child’s immersion education in the Gaelscoil?
I am frequently asked by parents how best to help children who are attending the Gaelscoil.
By sending your children to an all-irish school you have taken already an important step.
However it is vital that all parents fully support the school’s language policy and do so in a practical and visible way. The Gaelscoil creates a school community where children speak in their second language. It is difficult for them as they all can speak English but it is vital to their learning that they practice their second language throughout the school day. They need to cooperate with each other to do this to create together a language community in the Gaelscoil. Parents using a few words of Irish in the school grounds is of great benefit and helps enormously.
Here are a few tips:
- Spreag do pháiste chun Gaeilge a labhairt ar scoil.Always encourage yor children to speak Irish in school.
- Úsáid Gaeilge leis na múinteoirí nó timpeall na scoile. “Dia dhuit” mar shampla.Use whatever Irish you have in the school environs e.g. Dia dhuit; Go raibh maith agat.
- Mol an Ghaeilge agus tiocfaidh sí.Be positive towards Irish and it will blossom.