Gaelscoil Philib Barún

Íocaíochtaí ar Líne|Online payments

De bharr na dtreoracha a bhaineann leis an gcóróinvíreas tá an scoil ag éascú do thuismitheoirí íocaíochtaí a bhaineann le scoil a dhéanamh ar líne. Chuige sin táimid ag iarraidh go gcláróidh tuismitheoirí (Databiz Solutions) lena sain ephost. Lean na treoracha anseo.

Due to restrictions pertaining to the Covid-19 (Coronavirus), the school is putting a facility in place to allow parents to make payments to the school online. To this end, we are asking parents to log on with their email address to the portal we are using (Databiz Solutions) by following the directions here.

Tá uimhir ghutháin againn i gcóir gach duine ach níl ephost. Mar gheall ar sin cuir isteach do ephost. Muna bhfuil do uimhir ghutháin phóca cheart againn ní bheimid in ann dul ar aghaidh leis an gclárú go dtí go bhfuil sé leasaithe ar ár gcóras againn.

The school has a phone number registered with each family but will require an email also. Please use a current and up to date email. If you have changed your phone number please email the school with your new number and we will update our system before you can complete the registering process.

Aon cheisteanna cuir ephost go dtí

If you have any queries, please email