Gaelscoil Philib Barún

Ar son Héití|Haitian Disaster Appeal

Amárach (Aoine an 22ú lá Eanair 2010) ta daltaí na scoile ag eagrú díolachán císte agus lá gan éide scoile le airgead a bhailiú do Héití tar éis na tubaiste an tseachtain seo caite. Tá fulaingt na ndaoine san go mór in aigne na ndaltaí agus ba mhór leo an deis cabhrú. Tá súil aginn go dtabharfaí isteach síntús euro don lá gan éide scoile agus ansin cúpla euro ar chistí.

Tomorrow (Friday, 22 January 2010), the school will hold a no uniform day and cake sale in aid of the Haitian Earthquake victims. The suffering of the people of Haiti has touched us all and the Gaelscoil wishes to help. We ask that a euro be donated for the no uniform day and cakes be brought in for the cake sale.